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Combine-Mounted Snowblower
"It works good and cost only about $250 to build," says Larry Johansen, Marion, S. Dak., who mounted an 8-ft. Farmhand front-mounted snowblower in place of the header on a stripped-down Gleaner A2 combine.
Johansen's dad bought the combine for $100 at an auction. Johansen removed all sheet metal and grain-cleaning components and then moved the engine forward behind the cab, remounting the gas tank behind the engine.
He used lengths of angle iron to bolt the snowblower onto header lift brackets. The chain-driven snowblower is controlled by the clutch that originally operated the header.
"It isn't pretty but it gets the job done," says Johansen. "It throws wet snow up to 40 ft. The chain-drive system was easy to hook up. I built it because I couldn't justify spending the money for a 3-pt. snowblower or for a big tractor to operate it. The 6-cyl. engine in this combine has plenty of power. The engine's weight is over the drive wheels so it has good traction. I added 250 to 300 lbs. of weight in front of the rear steering axle to counter-balance the added weight of the snowblower. The transmission, drive axle, hydraulics, and steering system are all orignial.
"My dad bought the combine because it had new drive tires. He kept the tires and gave me the combine. I got the snowblower from a friend. I tried putting a heater in the cab but I couldn't get it to work.
"I think a snowblower like mine could be mounted on any combine. A quick tach setup could be used so you wouldn't have to strip down the combine, and so you could take the blower on or off just like switching heads. I didn't have any reason to set mine up that way because the combine's internal parts were worn out."
The lever to operate the clutch was mounted outside the cab so the driver had to reach through a hole in tie cab to operate it. Johansen added linkage and another lever so that he can operate the clutch from inside the cab.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Larry Johansen, Rt. 2, Box 20, Marion, S. Dak. 57043 (ph 605 925-7727).

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #1