Add On Wings For Chisel Plow Sweeps
"With conventional sweeps, many long-rooted weeds skirt around the sweeps and continue to grow, making it necessary to pull a rod weeder behind the plow to kill the remaining weeds," says Bob Benjamin, Fort Benton, Mont., designer of "Weed Eaters", add-on wings for chisel sweeps.
"With Weed Eaters, weeds are pulled out or sheared off, making the rod weeder unnecessary. Chisel plows equipped with Weed Eaters also pull easier and go through more trash without plugging than those equipped with rod weeders," says Benjamin.
"A Weed Eater sweep is simply your conventional chisel plow sweep with two 1/4-in. thick blades made of hard, wear-resistant steel, welded in place. The blades add 1 in. to each side of the sweep and are beveled on the leading edge for sharpness," Benjamin explains.
He says the blades wear at the same rate as the sweep. Another potential use for them is on cultivator sweeps.
The add-on blades sell for 95 cents each.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Benjamin Machine Co., Box 1148, Fort Benton, Mont. 59442 (ph 406 734-5416).

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1985 - Volume #9, Issue #3