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Stained Glass Artist Turned Combine Into Art
Artist Karl Unnasch has a farm background, so it’s probably not surprising that he looks at farm equipment differently than most artists. Unnasch made his stained glass combine for a festival in Reedsburg, Wis.
    Unnasch calls his combine The Grand Masticator. He replaced cab windows and other surfaces with stained glass panels depicting a variety of scenes. A total of 32 panels were installed in the sides, back and front, including on the individual header snouts. Lights behind the panels illuminate them at night.
    “The Deere 6600 was a little larger than the one my dad first used,” explains Unnasch. “It was provided courtesy of Manthey Salvage in Mauston, Wis. and still ran when we got it.”
    Panels include the face of a mustached man chewing a cob of corn, a scene of Batman and Robin in a World War II Victory Garden, a take-off on American Gothic with earthworms, and more. Other panels emphasize the idea of chewing, such as one of a termite.
    “Part of the stipulation for taking part as an artist at the festival was that the art be placed in a farm field,” recalls Unnasch. “I thought a combine was the best 3-D object I could think of.”
    Unnasch worked on the combine for several months. It went on display in the Reedsburg area field for the festival in early October 2013. Meant to be temporary, it remained in the field by popular demand until March 2014. It is being prepared for permanent display in Reedsburg, though sponsorships are still being sought.
    A nationally renowned artist, Unnasch maintains his studio, Pilot Mount Design, near his home farm in southeastern Minnesota. The art tour was sponsored and organized by the Wormfarm Institute of Reedsburg, a non-profit dedicated to connecting people with food, agriculture and art (www.wormfarminstitute.org).
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Pilot Mound Design, 31314 Hwy. 30, Chatfield, Minn. 55923 (ph 507 272-0452; karl@karlunnasch.com; www.karlunnasch.com).

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2014 - Volume #38, Issue #3