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"Bent" Grave Marker Stays Out Of The Way
“Our American Legion supplies grave markers with a plaque on top of a metal rod to families of those who have served in the military,” says Donald Perrion, Ipswich, S. Dak. “A lot of the old stakes get bent and broken from being hit by riding mowers.
  “To solve the problem, I rework the stakes by making a 4-in. bend about halfway down, which sets the plaque back out of the way. It allows workers to mow grass right up to the tombstone without hitting the marker.”
  He cuts the stake off 1 ft. down from the plaque, makes a 4-in. bend in it at the bottom, and then welds a new 8-in. long rod onto the bend. A welded-on washer at the bottom serves as an anchor.
  He sells the stake markers for $5 plus S&H.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Donald Perrion, P.O. Box 457, Ipswich, S. Dak. 57451 (ph 605 426-6276 or cell 605 216-5763; pgisi@abe.midco.net).

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2014 - Volume #38, Issue #3