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Disc Levelers Mount On V-Ripper Plows
You can level the ground behind your V ripper and save a second trip across the field by bolting on new "disk levelers", says Campbell Mfg., Dayton, Iowa.
The "disc levelers" consist of pairs of 18-in. dia. blades attached to steel mounting arms that bolt directly to the shank. The blades overlap to pull ridged soil into the furrow, leaving the ground level.
"Works much better than pulling a harrow behind a V -ripper because the discs cut through residue and cover it up instead of dragging it on top of the ground," says Don Campbell. "They're spring-loaded to absorb the shock of going over rocks and other obstacles. Blade depth can be adjusted by changing the position of bolts."
The disc levelers sell for $240 per shank.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Campbell Mfg. Co., Dayton, Iowa 50530 (ph 515 547-2659).

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #2