2013 - Volume #37, Issue #5, Page #29
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Chisel Plow Makes A Great Brush Rake
Anyone who can weld can turn an unused chisel plow into a useful heavy-duty brush rake, says Perry Easley, owner of Easley Welding.
    Remove all the shanks, take the longest bar and slip the shanks back on, evenly spaced about a foot apart. They work great to handle cut down cedar trees and brush.
    “One guy mopped up 400 acres with his,” Easley says.
    He welded his 10-ft. rake to a quick-attach plate (less than $200) universal hookup for his skidsteer, but the rake could also be mounted on a tractor loader. With producers abandoning chisel plows for no-till and other tillage equipment, the plows are inexpensive if you don’t own one, Easley says.
    He has built and sold a few of the rakes in Missouri, but says it’s any easy and useful project farmers can do anywhere there are chisel plows waiting to be repurposed.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup Perry Easley, Easley Welding, 1603A N. Green St., Kirksville, Mo. 63501 (ph 660 626-3730).

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2013 - Volume #37, Issue #5