1992 - Volume #16, Issue #2, Page #27
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Mechanic's Step For Pickups, Trucks
"I made my first one 15 years ago when I was working as a mechanic. So many people have asked me about it over the years I decided to put it on the market," says Jim Landen, Ogallala, Neb., about his slip-on step for truck and pickup bumpers that gives you solid footing for under-the-hood work.The "Bumper Step" consists of two strap iron brackets that fit over the top of the front bumper, hooking over the back lip. There are 4 different height level adjustments to allow you to reach everything under the hood and a rubber-headed adjustment bolt on each bracket pushes against the bumper to level the step as needed. A 2 by 6-in. board simply bolts between the two brackets.
"Most guys grab whatever's handy to stand on when working on their trucks including milk baskets, oil buckets, tree stumps, kitchen chairs or whatever. The Bumper Step is a lot more convenient and it won't slip out from under you," says Lan-den.
A pair of brackets sells for $29 plus postage. You supply the board. Fits any truck or pickup.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Jim Landen, 612 West 9, Ogallala, Neb. 69153 (ph 308 284-3841 or 3673).

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