2013 - Volume #37, Issue #5, Page #23
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Snowblower Pulls "Chariot"
The Rush City, Minn. man stands inside a 50-gal. barrel with the back half cut out of it. The barrel sets on a metal platform mounted between 2 wheelbarrow wheels. A hitch made from a 1 1/4-in. dia. pipe connects the barrel to a bracket that bolts on back of the snowblower.
If Scheffer wants he can remove 2 bolts and replace the barrel with a toilet bowl, eliminating the need to stand up.
“It gets a lot of chuckles at shows, but I like it,” says Scheffer. “The snowblower was built in about 1940 for the military by Maxim Silencer Co. of Hartford, Conn., and is powered by a 3-in. bore, 3 1/4-in. stroke gas engine. It’s built very heavy. One disadvantage is there’s no reverse gear, so I have to be careful I don’t box myself into a corner.”
He had a little misfortune at a recent show. “I was driving through a muddy area and the hitch popped out of the bracket on the snowblower. I ended up stranded in the barrel while the snowblower kept going ahead of me. I had to jump off the barrel and run up to the snowblower to stop it.”
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Bob Scheffer, 930 W. 2nd St., Rush City, Minn. 55069 (ph 320 358-4975).
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