World's Biggest Cornhead
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Cornhead genius Marion Calmer showed off his biggest header yet - a 30-row, 12-in. behemoth mounted on a Deere combine. Calmer says it will harvest nearly 1,000 bu. in 6 min., which should win it a spot in the Guiness Book of World Records. Harry Stine of Stine Seeds plans to plant at 50,000 seeds per acre, with equidistant 12-in. spacing (using a custom-built planter), shooting for a 300 bu. per acre yield. Header has ultra narrow poly dividers and two Calmer chopping rolls per row - but only a single gathering chain.
(ph 309 629-9000;
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World s Biggest Cornhead COMBINES Accessories Cornhead genius Marion Calmer showed off his biggest header yet - a 30-row 12-in behemoth mounted on a Deere combine Calmer says it will harvest nearly 1 000 bu in 6 min which should win it a spot in the Guiness Book of World Records Harry Stine of Stine Seeds plans to plant at 50 000 seeds per acre with equidistant 12-in spacing using a custom-built planter shooting for a 300 bu per acre yield Header has ultra narrow poly dividers and two Calmer chopping rolls per row - but only a single gathering chain ph 309 629-9000; www calmercornheads com
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