2013 - Volume #37, Issue #4, Page #41
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Diatomaceaous Earth Is Simple Way To Keep Flies Away From Barn
Mixing 3 lbs. of diatomaceous earth to every 100 lbs. of grain you feed your horses is a simple way to keep flies away from your barn and manure pile.Food grade diatamacous earth can be purchased online or from companies like Perma Guard (ph 505 243-1460) for $28 for 50 lbs. The reason it works is that the diatameous earth kills any maggots from the eggs flies lay in the manure, just the way it eliminates worm problems by killing them in the gut.
Our vet was amazed to see that we have no fly problems despite our manure pile being just a few feet from our barn. It also enriches the garden or wherever you spread the manure. Diatameous earth can also be used as a dust in your garden to control soft-shelled insects. (Alton Eliason, Northford, Conn., altoneliason@comcast.net; ph 203 484-0277)

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