2013 - Volume #37, Issue #4, Page #20
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Giant Composter Made From Old Cement Mixer
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“I’ve been a gardener for nearly 48 years, which I really enjoy, but making compost was never one of my favorite jobs,” Russell says. “My brother heard about an old 1949 cab-over Kenworth cement mixer for sale, so we bought it. I wanted the mixer, and he wanted the truck.”
Casperson located a logging truck chassis and wheels at a local salvage yard to mount the drum. Now it sits in the tall grass of his back yard, convenient to his large vegetable garden. To rotate the drum he connected the electric motor to two 60:1 reduction gears. That reduces the 1,700 rpm output of the motor to a snail’s pace, rotating the drum once every 2 1/2 min.
“It’s the perfect speed to mix all the stuff I put in there,” Russell says. “I throw in about 1,500 lbs. of hay, maybe 300 lbs. of fish scraps from a local processor, and add a few pails of nitrogen.” The motor is set on a timer so it churns only at night. That way the odor doesn’t bother the neighbors.
Russell’s back yard compost cooks for about 6 mos. He empties the big tub by reversing the rotation and the paddles lift it out the back into his loader bucket or a trailer. He spreads the contents about 4 to 6 in. deep on his garden, then tills it in for a lush, fertile seedbed.
“The compost smells real sweet when it’s done and boy does it grow vegetables,” Russell says. “The beets are about double the size that people normally grow, potatoes are huge and delicious, and carrots are very sweet.”
The only tell tale sign of what the compost is made of are a few spines from large halibut carcasses or a partial skull from a really big salmon.
Asked if the mixture smells during the composting process, Russell says “at first some of the neighbors complained, so I run the mixer only at night. The game department came out once and thought I was baiting bear, but I showed them I was just making garden compost.”
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Russell Casperson, No. 1 Russell Road, Hagensborg, B. C., Canada VOT 1HO (ph 250 982-2755).

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