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Air Conditioning In A Can
Here's a new idea from England - "air conditioning" in a can.
If you're out working in the field with temperatures in the 90's and a cab with no air conditioning, don't worry about it. Just pull out a can of Magicool and give your-self a squirt. The aerosol spray uses a chemical coolant that you can spray all over your body and clothing to immediately cool off. Even when the can itself is hot, it de-livers a cool water-based spray that the company says is non-toxic and non-flammable.
It's said to be a lot cheaper than mechanical air conditioning.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, BCM France House, London WC 1 N 3XX England (ph 011 44 181 645 0773; fax 01144 181 645 0822).

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #6