Add On Pulley Saves Fuel By Slowing Down Combine Engine
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A Manitoba farmer who wasn't satisfied with the fuel economy on his 1977 New Holland TR 70 combine solved the problem by installing a larger 9-in. dia. pulley over the original drive pulley off the fly-wheel to slow the engine down, saving him 1 1/2 gal. of fuel per hour with no loss of power.
"The Caterpillar 3208 engine has a reputation for blowing up because it runs fast at 2,730 rpm's," says Yokimas. "Adding the larger pulley reduced rpm's to 2,400. The New Holland TR 70, 75, and 85 combines all have the same engine and the same problem. The TR 95 combine has the same engine, but it's equipped with the larger pulley so the engine runs slower. The company offers larger pulleys for the TR 70, 75, and 85 combines, but they cost $600 to $800. I bought my pulley at a salvage yard for only $20. Engines on International 1460 and 1480 and Massy Ferguson combines also run fast, but they're smaller so you might lose some power by slowing them down. I've never had problems with the engine, but I doubt that the manufacturer would honor the warranty after such a modification," notes Yokimas.
The 9-in. dia. cast iron pulley Yokimas bought was designed for a 3-in. dia. shaft so he used a lathe to enlarge the center for the combine's bigger shaft and tach welded it in place with a welding rod over the original pulley.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Brian Yokimas, RR 1, East Selkirk, Manitoba, Canada R0E 0M0 (ph 204 482-7252).

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Add on pulley saves fuel by slowing down combine engine COMBINES Miscellaneous 14-5-8 A Manitoba farmer who wasn't satisfied with the fuel economy on his 1977 New Holland TR 70 combine solved the problem by installing a larger 9-in. dia. pulley over the original drive pulley off the fly-wheel to slow the engine down, saving him 1 1/2 gal. of fuel per hour with no loss of power.
"The Caterpillar 3208 engine has a reputation for blowing up because it runs fast at 2,730 rpm's," says Yokimas. "Adding the larger pulley reduced rpm's to 2,400. The New Holland TR 70, 75, and 85 combines all have the same engine and the same problem. The TR 95 combine has the same engine, but it's equipped with the larger pulley so the engine runs slower. The company offers larger pulleys for the TR 70, 75, and 85 combines, but they cost $600 to $800. I bought my pulley at a salvage yard for only $20. Engines on International 1460 and 1480 and Massy Ferguson combines also run fast, but they're smaller so you might lose some power by slowing them down. I've never had problems with the engine, but I doubt that the manufacturer would honor the warranty after such a modification," notes Yokimas.
The 9-in. dia. cast iron pulley Yokimas bought was designed for a 3-in. dia. shaft so he used a lathe to enlarge the center for the combine's bigger shaft and tach welded it in place with a welding rod over the original pulley.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Brian Yokimas, RR 1, East Selkirk, Manitoba, Canada ROE OMO (ph 204 482-7252).
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