Air Cushion Vehicle
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My home-built "air cushion vehicle" flies over land or water and rides 1 /4 in. off the ground. It's built from 1/8-in. paneling over a framework made from 1 by 2-in. pine..The vehicle is powered by a 1 0 hp pusher engine in back driving a 42-in. propeller and a 5 hp "lift "engine in front that drives a 4-bladed propeller to inflate a plastic skirt fastened to the bottom of the vehicle. A pair of 2 by 4 skids protect the bottom of the vehicle. Rudders in back are used for steering. It's tricky to hold the vehicle in line, especially in windy conditions, because there's no con-tact with any surface. I have to zigzag to get where I want to go, somewhat like the tacking procedure used for sailing. One problem is that it makes a lot of noise. (Dallas Gutzmann, Rt. 1, Box 24, Pierce, Neb. 68767 ph 402 329-6631)

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Air cushion vehicle FARM HOME recreation 15-3-35 My home-built "air cushion vehicle" flies over land or water and rides 1 /4 in. off the ground. It's built from 1/8-in. paneling over a framework made from 1 by 2-in. pine..The vehicle is powered by a 1 0 hp pusher engine in back driving a 42-in. propeller and a 5 hp "lift "engine in front that drives a 4-bladed propeller to inflate a plastic skirt fastened to the bottom of the vehicle. A pair of 2 by 4 skids protect the bottom of the vehicle. Rudders in back are used for steering. It's tricky to hold the vehicle in line, especially in windy conditions, because there's no con-tact with any surface. I have to zigzag to get where I want to go, somewhat like the tacking procedure used for sailing. One problem is that it makes a lot of noise. (Dallas Gutzmann, Rt. 1, Box 24, Pierce, Neb. 68767 ph 402 329-6631)
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