Home-Built Horse-Drawn Grader
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I use an old horse-drawn grader to level my long gravel driveway. It’s pulled from the 3-pt. hitch, which allows me to precisely control the grade. I made a new one for a friend that tilts and swivels like this one, but has rubber tires. (Gerald Johnston, 5821 Crystal Rd., Vestaburg, Mich. 48891, ph 989 268-5650)
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Home-Built Horse-Drawn Grader LIVESTOCK Horses/Mules I use an old horse-drawn grader to level my long gravel driveway It’s pulled from the 3-pt hitch which allows me to precisely control the grade I made a new one for a friend that tilts and swivels like this one but has rubber tires Gerald Johnston 5821 Crystal Rd Vestaburg Mich 48891 ph 989 268-5650
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