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"Pots And Pans" Bird Feeder
“I use old stainless steel frying pans to come up with what I call ‘lifetime bird feeders’. They’re virtually indestructible,” says Dan Jacobson, Pequot Lakes, Minn.
  Birds feed out of the pan, while the pan’s lid forms a roof about 12 in. above. They’re connected by a 7/16-in. dia. eye bolt that hangs from a light chain.
  Jacobson grinds the pan’s handle off and throws it away. A bracket supports the bottom of the pan.
  “I’ve field tested these bird feeders for more than 5 years with amazing results,” says Jacobson. “Even after they sit out in the weather they still look nice, and the depth of the pan keeps birds from spilling seed.
  “Raccoons and squirrels can’t even come close to wrecking this feeder because they can’t chew through or even scratch the stainless steel metal. They can jump on it or do anything they want, but they can’t wreck it.”
  Jacobson sells his bird feeders for $40 plus S&H.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Dan Jacobson, 8913 Weaver Lake Dr., Pequot Lakes, Minn. 56472 (ph 218 543-6623).  

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2013 - Volume #37, Issue #1