1977 - Volume #1, Issue #2, Page #23
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"Tenderfoot" Pads Reduce Injuries
Spraddle legs, knee abrasions and sore feet are costly hog problems that can be virtually eliminated with new Tenderfoot Pads, according to Vernon Nielsen, designer.Tenderfoot Pads for pigs and other livestock are made of a heavy, self-cleaning steel mesh (9 ga.) covered with a soft “plastisol” material. The waffled nature of the mesh gives baby pigs the traction they need to stand and nurse. The durable coating helps reduce abrasions, yet is strong enough for the heaviest of sows to stand on.
The product was developed over several years of experimentation and testing, under practical hog raising conditions, says Nielsen, who is a partner in a hog operation that farrows about 500 pigs a month. “We’ve found that, in addition to preventing spraddle legs, abrasions and injuries, sow health improved where we used the Pads. With good footing, small pigs massaged the udder better, resulting in better milking and less mastitis. Sows on Pads shoed no broken or cracked feet, and no evidence of arthritis.”
Tenderfoot Pads allow waste to pass through 3/8 in. opening (too small for a baby pig’s foot to get through) and are easy to clean, and resistant to acid, wear and chewing. “And, they’re heavy and durable. Weight averages about 3.6 lbs. per sq. ft.,” explains Nielsen. “Pads in use 18 months show no sign of wear. Users tell us the Pads pay for themselves after 4 to 6 litters.”
An entire floor of Tenderfood Pads can be laid down or removed in a matter of minutes. A supporting framework is required only every 12 to 18 in., depending on weight of the hogs.
While the Pads were designed for hogs, they also show promise for milking parlor floors, feeder operations, calves, poultry, horse trailers, stock trucks, cow stalls and as gutter covers. Standard Pad sizes are 3 ft. by 5 ft., 4 by 5, and 5 by 7. Other sizes available on request. Cost is approximately $6.50 per sq. ft.
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, ADA Enterprises, Inc., Box 151, Freeborn, MN 56032 (ph 507 863-2461).

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