1977 - Volume #1, Issue #2, Page #21
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"Rent-A-Goat" Service
“We’re not looking for any publicity,” said a farmer’s wife FARM SHOW contacted for details on the family’s unusual goat rental service. “We’ve got a good thing going and don’t want to encourage competition.”The service, operated as a sideline to a farming operation located within 50 miles of a large metropolitan area, rents about 50 goats every summer to neighboring farm and city families who pay $20 to $30 a summer for an “all-purpose” goat that serves as lawn mower, weed cutter, brush clearer, and as a pet besides.
An advertisement the family ran in a local newspaper last summer read: “If you’re tired of Lawn Boy, try Lawn Kid. Guaranteed to start every time.”
In some metropolitan areas, residents wanting to rent a goat have run into problems with ordinances which, except for dogs, forbid keeping almost anything larger than a rabbit fenced in, or tethered on the front lawn. Nonetheless, this farm family concedes that their goat-rental business is booming.

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