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Tree Puller Also Removes Roots And Stumps
You can  remove trees, roots, and stumps with this new tree puller from Precision Mfg., Sedalia, Mo.
  The tree puller is equipped with double rows of teeth that form jaws. When both rows of teeth are closed they form spade points that can be used to dig out roots and loosen the soil, allowing you to remove the entire tree. A “root ripper” located on top of the blade can also be used to cut roots when digging.
  “Using two rows of teeth results in increased pulling power compared to other brands with just a single row of teeth. As a result, the tree is far less likely to slip through,” says owner Bill Reed. “The unit can also be used to remove posts and stakes or even to move large rocks and boulders.”
  Two models are available: Model 515 has a 12-in. opening between the jaws and retails for $2,695; model 525 has a 14-in. opening and retails for $3,295. Hydraulic hoses are included in the price; quick-tach mounting brackets are sold separately.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Precision Mfg., 424 North Harding Ave., Sedalia, Mo. 65301 (ph 888 497-3224; breed@precisionmfg.com; www.precisionmfg.com).

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2012 - Volume #36, Issue #4