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"Handle" Put Onto Ordinary Ratchet Handle
    Danny Shaffer, Stillwater, Okla.: “Here’s a ‘handle’ that I came up with to put onto an ordinary ratchet handle. It keeps me from having to flex my wrist as much.
    “My wrist starts aching after about an hour of using an ordinary ratchet. But with this homemade handle, I can work all day and my wrist won’t ache at all. I’ve used it to tighten tens of thousands of nuts, which I wouldn’t have tackled without it.
    “I took a nut big enough to fit over the ratchet handle and cut out one side of it. Then I welded on a small nut and also welded on a short length of smooth steel rod to the other side, making sure the rod is positioned perpendicular to the original ratchet handle once it’s clamped on.”

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2012 - Volume #36, Issue #3