2012 - Volume #36, Issue #2, Page #33
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Tabs Put Seeds Into Slot
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“Deere drills and air seeders can have a hard time keeping seeds in the slot,” explains Needham. “That is especially so in no-till fields with heavy residue, uneven surfaces such as wheel tracks, and when planting at higher speeds.”
Needham says the factory installed seed tab doesn’t provide a good enough seal. However, the Bonilla seed tab is made from UHMW (ultra high molecular weight) quartz. The heavy-duty poly material is flexible and wear resistant. Its 7º angle also follows the seed slot behind the boot more closely than the original flat tab.
“When we ran field trials comparing the Bonilla seed tab with the factory-installed tab, we could see the difference,” says Needham. “More seeds were retained in the seed slot, even in heavy residue, no-till conditions, and the tabs last three times longer.”
Needham Ag Technologies is selling the Bonilla seed tabs on their website for $3 each plus shipping. Tabs for the Deere 90 Series equipped with extended wear seed boots require a longer bolt and lock nut for the Bonilla seed tabs, adding 25¢ per tab to the cost.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Needham Ag Technologies, LLC, 4911 Kentucky 81 North, Calhoun, Ky. 42327 (ph 270 785-0999; www.needhamag.com).

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