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Pull-Behind Rake Creates Double Windows
Last summer Craig Bielmaier, Wall, S. Dak., came up with a way to create double windrows behind his Massey Ferguson 880 swather.
He bolted a drawbar hitch to the back of the swather to pull a Farmhand side delivery rake. "As you make your passes back and forth across the field, the rake throws two 18-ft. swaths together side by side. It makes the perfect size swath for baling, cutting by half the time it takes us to bale," says Bielmaier, who used the rake-swather combination for the first time this past season.
"It worked well with no problems. The rake has adjustments on the trans-port wheels so you can adjust how far over you want to move the swath," he notes.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Craig Bielmaier, Box 104, Wall, S. Dak. 57790.

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #1