1979 - Volume #3, Issue #3, Page #29
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Automatic Steerig For Your Cultivator
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The 2-step system, involving both the planter and cultivator, relieves 90% of the tractor operator's responsibi)ity to align the cultivator, even when cultivating narrow rows at high speeds. The precision control also allows you to cultivate closer to theplants without injuring them, explains William Orthman, president.
During planting, a V-shaped guidance mark is formed in the soil with special tooling attached to the planter. As a cultivator, equipped with the Tracker, enters the field the system's twin finder wheels are directed into the groove created by the planter-mounted groove-makers. This is repeated at the beginning of each pass. As the tractor and cultivator move forward, the Tracker's finder wheels sense any deviation from perfect center of the crop row.
Deviations are reported to the hydraulic guidance system and the large twin guiding discs automatically correct the steering error. The tractor primarily performs as a pulling power, generally guiding between rows. The Tracker's guidance hydraulics affect only the cultivator operation and remain entirely independent of the tractor's power steering, Orthman points out. "Unlike other guidance systems, the Tracker doesn't require adding anythingg onto the tractor. There are no special tires to put on, for example, or other changes to make on the tractor itself."
The standardTrackerguidance system fits all Orthman toolbar cultivators, and other brand rearmounted row crop cultivators mounted on a 7-in. square toolbar.
Suggested retail of the complete marking system is right at $2,000.
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Orthman Manufacturing, Drawer B, Lexington, Neb. 68850 (ph 308 324-4654).

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