2011 - Volume #35, Issue #2, Page #44
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Sporty "Tractor Bed"
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The tractor-shaped bed is built for a twin mattress with box spring and is made entirely of wood painted Deere green and yellow. Vander Ploeg built the bed in pieces and then put it together in his son's bedroom in a corner of his log cabin house. The cab, sides and wheels are separate from the frame. All bed components are either glued or screwed together.
A carpenter by trade, Vander Ploeg says the tractor bed took about 100 hrs. to make. "I used a variety of different saws to cut the wood. I didn't make any drawings û it all came from my head. I tried to include as much detail as I could. For example, there's a ĉmanifold' on each side of the engine, and the rear tractor wheels have lugs on them made from scraps of wood."
Vander Ploeg says he's willing to build tractor beds for others. "The price ranges from $1,000 to $6,000 depending on the amount of detail," he notes.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Robert Vander Ploeg II, 8811 2 Mile Rd., Ada, Mich. 49301 (ph 616 581-0069; vplogluvrs@aol.com).

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