Way To Pick Up, Lay Down Tires
No more tossing water-filled tires on silage piles with the Tire Gator 160. The 15-ft. beam with its self-loading bull nose makes picking up tires as easy as point and drive. Raised teeth on the #60 roller chain that runs the length of the bar pull the tires onto the bar and later feed them off as desired across the pile.
A new product from MDS Manufacturing, the Tire Gator 160 is priced at $1,925. It slides onto standard pallet fork tines whether mounted on a front-end loader, skid steer or telehandler. Once in place, the operator uses attached chains to secure it to the pallet fork. A stop bar keeps the tires from bunching up over the roller chain motor drive.
"The number of tires it will hold is only limited by the size of the tires," says an MDS salesman.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, MDS Mfg. Co., 1301 South SD Hwy 37, Parkston, S. Dak. 57366 (ph 605 928-7951; toll free 800 658-4703; sales@mdsmfg.com; www.mdsmfg.com).

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Way To Pick Up Lay Down Tires HAY & FORAGE HARVESTING Miscellaneous No more tossing water-filled tires on silage piles with the Tire Gator 160 The 15-ft beam with its self-loading bull nose makes picking up tires as easy as point and drive Raised teeth on the #60 roller chain that runs the length of the bar pull the tires onto the bar and later feed them off as desired across the pile A new product from MDS Manufacturing the Tire Gator 160 is priced at $1 925 It slides onto standard pallet fork tines whether mounted on a front-end loader skid steer or telehandler Once in place the operator uses attached chains to secure it to the pallet fork A stop bar keeps the tires from bunching up over the roller chain motor drive The number of tires it will hold is only limited by the size of the tires says an MDS salesman Contact: FARM SHOW Followup MDS Mfg Co 1301 South SD Hwy 37 Parkston S Dak 57366 ph 605 928-7951; toll free 800 658-4703; sales@mdsmfg com; www mdsmfg com
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