2011 - Volume #35, Issue #2, Page #07
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Do-It-Yourself Poultry Processing
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Schafer sold $5 plans for a few years, but no one stepped up to develop the plucker, so he did in 1999. Today the demand for his poultry processing equipment at Featherman Equipment grows by 30 percent annually.
The heart of the system is that same plucker, refined and tweaked by the Jamesport, Mo., company. The difference between their system and more expensive units is the material (plastic instead of stainless steel) and size.
"Really, all you need is the Featherman Pro plucker, which sells for $1,049," Schafer says, adding it's how many of his customers start out. The plucker can do four birds in 30 seconds, and some home processors pluck 100 to 200 birds an hour.
The 125-lb. unit is made with a high-density, UV-resistant, food grade molded plastic tub with 119 plucking fingers powered by a 1 hp motor.
Schafer says the key is scalding the birds at the right temperature - 147 degrees. Scald 4 or 5 birds at a time; put them in the plucker, and 20 seconds later they are picked clean.
Schafer's customers are poultry growers who raise and sell anywhere from 200 to 20,000 birds a year. Committed growers invest in more pieces of Featherman Equipment, including the Featherman Set-Up Special ($3,015), which includes a plucker, scalder, dunker, shackles, kill cone stand and eight broiler cones.
As many as eight people can work together with the system, plucking, gutting, cleaning, etc. Even the kids can help, Schafer says.
He also sells pluckers for turkeys and game birds, non-electric models and chill tanks. Everything is available through the company's website, which also includes how-to videos.
"I'm real proud of the fact that we've got all these free movies," Schafer says. "I like to provide free information."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Featherman Equipment Co., P.O. Box 62, Jamesport, Mo. 64648 (ph 660 684-6035; www.featherman.net).

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