2011 - Volume #35, Issue #2, Page #05
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How To "Talk Auctioneer"
I got an interesting note from reader Damon Carson in Denver, Colo., asking if I'd like to learn to "speak auctioneer". He then proceeded to give me a little short course. Try it. It works!All you have to do is string together unintelligible, staccato syllables. You can make up your own words. For instance, take the words "who will bid a 2" and use the syllables "oo" "da" "bid" "da" to create the word "oodabidda". Say "Oodabidda" a few times, each time increasing the speed. Then add in the number 2 at the end û "oodabidda2" and say it faster.
Now put it into a chant: "1 dollar bid, oodabidda2, now 2, now 2, oodabidda 2? 2 dollar bid, oodabidda 3, now 3, now 3, oodabidda 3? 3 dollar bid, oodabidda 4, now 4, oodabidda 4?"
Practice by conducting auctions in the car when driving around. Each telephone pole you pass can represent a higher bidder. You can create other phrases, too, such as turning "he will bid a 2" to "ee da bid da 2". Once you have it mastered, you can volunteer to be guest auctioneer at fundraising auctions in your community. It's just a fun, unique way to give back.

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