Elecrtic Rider Mows An Acre Per Charge
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This new rechargeable electric mower is so quiet it has a safety beeper when put in reverse. Its efficient electric motors can cut up to an acre of lawn on a single overnight charge at about the cost of a pint and half of gas. For its $2,049 price tag, the operator eliminates nearly all normal mower maintenance.
"We are getting a very favorable response," says Jim Brody, about the "Recharge" mower from Driven By Solar, Inc. (DBS). "The concept is almost universally well received. However, people are always hesitant to be the first in their neighborhood to try something new."
One reason may be that in the past electric riders were often heavy and covered a limited area. The Recharge Mower weighs only 300 lbs., including its three lead acid batteries. It has a 27-in. cutting width and, depending on the length and type of grass as well as the terrain, one charge should be enough time (approximately 3 hrs.) to mow about 3/4 of a football field.
The Recharge has a steel frame with a molded plastic body. A 900-watt motor provides forward speeds of up to 4.3 mph and half that in reverse. Two more 900-watt motors power the blades, but only in forward drive. The mower offers five adjustable cutting heights from 3/4 in. to 2 3/4 in.
The mower is designed to handle riders of up to 330 lbs. and tow an added 330 lbs. A 3 bu. grass catcher comes with the mower. A 30-in. wide dump cart is $199.50, and a 30-in. lawn roller is priced at $159.50.
Recharging can be done in 10 to 12 hrs. The Smart Charger included with the mower automatically shuts off charging when the batteries are full. Batteries should be recharged every two months when the mower is not in use and are expected to last for 250 to 300 charges.
Other features include headlights, drive interruption when braking, operator presence switch and blade safety start switch. The mower will not start nor will the blades be engaged without an operator in the seat. The rear bagger must also be in place for the blades to engage.
The Recharge Mower is available by order from DBS. Shipping is $100, and the mower arrives fully assembled.
DBS also carries a number of lithium-ion battery-powered lawn and garden tools and soon will be adding a push mower.
"We will be introducing a cordless, lithium battery-powered push mower this spring," says Brody. "It will weigh only 35 lbs."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Driven By Solar, Inc., 2283 Argentia Road, Unit # 3, Mississauga, Ont., Canada L5N 5Z2 (ph 905 997-9300; jim@RechargeMower.com; www.RechargeMower.com).

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Elecrtic Rider Mows An Acre Per Charge ENERGY Alternative Fuels This new rechargeable electric mower is so quiet it has a safety beeper when put in reverse Its efficient electric motors can cut up to an acre of lawn on a single overnight charge at about the cost of a pint and half of gas For its $2 049 price tag the operator eliminates nearly all normal mower maintenance
We are getting a very favorable response says Jim Brody about the Recharge mower from Driven By Solar Inc DBS The concept is almost universally well received However people are always hesitant to be the first in their neighborhood to try something new
One reason may be that in the past electric riders were often heavy and covered a limited area The Recharge Mower weighs only 300 lbs including its three lead acid batteries It has a 27-in cutting width and depending on the length and type of grass as well as the terrain one charge should be enough time approximately 3 hrs to mow about 3/4 of a football field
The Recharge has a steel frame with a molded plastic body A 900-watt motor provides forward speeds of up to 4 3 mph and half that in reverse Two more 900-watt motors power the blades but only in forward drive The mower offers five adjustable cutting heights from 3/4 in to 2 3/4 in
The mower is designed to handle riders of up to 330 lbs and tow an added 330 lbs A 3 bu grass catcher comes with the mower A 30-in wide dump cart is $199 50 and a 30-in lawn roller is priced at $159 50
Recharging can be done in 10 to 12 hrs The Smart Charger included with the mower automatically shuts off charging when the batteries are full Batteries should be recharged every two months when the mower is not in use and are expected to last for 250 to 300 charges
Other features include headlights drive interruption when braking operator presence switch and blade safety start switch The mower will not start nor will the blades be engaged without an operator in the seat The rear bagger must also be in place for the blades to engage
The Recharge Mower is available by order from DBS Shipping is $100 and the mower arrives fully assembled
DBS also carries a number of lithium-ion battery-powered lawn and garden tools and soon will be adding a push mower
We will be introducing a cordless lithium battery-powered push mower this spring says Brody It will weigh only 35 lbs
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup Driven By Solar Inc 2283 Argentia Road Unit # 3 Mississauga Ont Canada L5N 5Z2 ph 905 997-9300; jim@RechargeMower com; www RechargeMower com
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