2010 - Volume #34, Issue #6, Page #18
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Friendlier No Trespassing Signs
The idea started small in the mid-1990's with signs that said, "Walking Hunters Welcome" posted by landowners who didn't want hunters driving all over their property. From there, it developed into the friendly "Ask" signs.
"It's more of a positive sign," says Doug Howie, assistant private lands coordinator with the North Dakota Game and Fish Department. "Many landowners say they just want to know who's out there and maybe tell hunters where not to go on their property."
Landowners can request free signs on the department's website or pick them up at district offices and various events. Some local game wardens make extra efforts to see that the signs are easily available.
The goal is to make the signs recognizable to hunters. Orders for the signs have been steady through the years, Howie says.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, North Dakota Game and Fish Department, 100 N. Bismarck Expressway, Bismarck, N. Dak. 58501 (ph 701 328-6300; http://gf.nd.gov/maps/ndlsc-signs.html).
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