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Steel Tube Drag Leaves Field Smooth
Back in 1957, Don Golden watched a West Texas rancher level irrigated land with a homemade drag made out of 14-in. wood beams. This year, he remembered the technique when he needed to find a way to smooth out excavation ruts after building a lake on his Meridian, Texas, property. He built his drag out of steel with 6 by 8-in. rectangular tubing that had been given to him. He welded the sections together to create a 13-ft. wide by 26-ft. long drag.
  "I angled it in the front to make it like a sled," Golden says. With 4 cross pieces it does a good job of leveling land, which is important to Golden and his son, who raise and cut hay.
  While it's good at shaving off humps, the drag didn't work so well on sandy ground with a lot of trash, he notes. The debris balled up. The nearly 2-ton drag requires a good size tractor. Golden uses a 125 hp tractor and pulls it with chains from the front two corners hitched to the drag bar.
  "This worked like a charm to level land around the lake," he says. "It makes a wonderful road grader, too."
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Don Golden, 1759 County Rd. 4100, Meridian, Texas 76665 (ph 254 597-1234).

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2010 - Volume #34, Issue #6