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"Bigger, Better" Thresh Bars Boost Rotor Efficiency
Ron Kile came up with his patent pending thresh bars for AFX/specialty rotors in Case IH combines to improve threshing efficiency. He knew what was needed because he runs the rotors on his own farm.
  "These bars work well in all crops, especially hard threshing crops, without over-threshing," he points out.
  Kile Machine and Mfg. Inc. makes the thresh bar with several unique features.
  Kile uses a "grasp and rasp" design for his high performance AFX/Specialty rotors bars. They have a 50 percent larger surface area per bar than OEM bars, and the Kile bar ramps boast a surface area that's 2.2 times larger than OEM bars, according to the inventor.
  The wider ramp and face area of the Kile bars creates more contact on the concave. In addition, Kile bars have a 40 degree ramp angle which enhances the separation of material for a cleaner tank sample.
  "Threshing is the act of material rubbing on material, and the thresh bar is the part that feeds the rotor, making it aggressive," Kile explains. "Because the Kile bars have a wider block than others on the market, they do a better job of feeding the crop to the concave, and perform a more complete thresh."
  With a straight lead in, and the combination of standard and reverse rasps on each bar, the material is "managed" for a more complete thresh over the concave, as the cage transport vanes move the crop through the threshing/separating system. The alternating angles feed and comb material in opposite directions (for more efficient "rubbing") without retarding the flow.
  The new thresh bars are made of cast chrome alloy and have high impact resistance for excellent wearability, says Kile.
  "Our introductory price for the K 505 BI Thresh Bar, including mounting hardware, is $21.75 each, plus S&H," Kile says. "You can see them, along with the other types of bars we manufacture, on our website.
  "We have dealers in the majority of U.S. states and many of the provinces in Canada," he says. New dealer inquiries are welcome.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Kile Machine and Manufacturing, Inc., 401 Squires Road, Rosalia, Wash. 99170 (ph 509 569-3814; info@kilemfg.com or kmminc@juno.com; www.kilemfg.com).

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2010 - Volume #34, Issue #4