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Expandable Foam Used To Fill Concrete, Asphalt Cracks
Roger Meihak fills cracks in his asphalt driveway and concrete floors with expandable spray insulating foam.
  "First, you need to take extra time to make sure the cracks are clean. A pressure washer works well for that. Then make sure the cracks are dry and will stay dry for several hours. Fill the cracks fully with the spray foam. After allowing the foam to dry, remove the excess and cut a shallow æV' in the top. Then apply a thin coat of elastomeric pourable crack filler."
  As soon as you've poured the crack filler on, sprinkle some no. 2 quartzite grit over the crack filler, says Meihak. "The crack filler will soak up some of the grit, so you need to use enough grit to fill the crack to level. The grit provides a wear surface and also covers the stark black crack filler, allowing it to blend in with both cement and blacktop."
  He used Sealbest brand pourable crack filler. "I bought it at Menards for about $8 a gallon," he notes.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Roger W. Meihak, 10150 223rd St. No., Forest Lake, Minn. 55025 (ph 651 433-2600).

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2010 - Volume #34, Issue #5