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Home-Built "Tracks" Boost Mower Traction
"I installed home-built tracks on my zero turn riding mower, and it resulted in vastly improved traction. I can mow through places I never could before," says Roger Foster, Tower Hill, Ill., who attached channel iron tracks to the drive tires on his Country Clipper zero turn riding mower.
  "I use the tracks mostly in early spring when the ground is thawing out and is so soft and slick that I can hardly walk on it. Without tracks I could easily get stuck in such conditions. But now I can drive right on through, without making ruts," says Foster. "I remove the tracks as soon as the lawn dries out."
  Each track consists of a series of 7-in. long, 1 1/2 by 3/4-in. channel iron bars that are spaced 4 1/2 in. apart, with 2 full links between each bar. The tracks are welded to lengths of double no. 60 roller chain.
  Foster did careful measuring so he can slip each roller chain onto the tire when the tire is deflated. He laid the roller chain on a work bench and tach welded the channel iron bars onto it at 2 different places.  
"The tracks don't cause any damage to my lawn, even on turns," says Foster. "I suppose if I turned too fast it might tear up the grass but normally it doesn't hurt anything. I didn't want the tracks to cover the full 12-in. width of the tires because I was afraid it might scuff up the yard."
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Roger Foster, Rt. 1, P.O. Box 108, Tower Hill, Ill. 62571 (ph 217 567-3417)

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2010 - Volume #34, Issue #5