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Cultivator Shields Raise (Or Lower) Hydraulically On-The-Go
Jerry Aeschliman, Wauseon, Ohio, faced a common problem while cultivating corn and soybeans. Whenever he would come to a spot in a field where plants were smaller than in the rest of the field, he had to slow down to keep from covering them with soil. He solved the problem by rigging up a hydraulic cylinder to raise and lower the cultivator's rolling shields on-the-go.
  Aeschliman made the modification two years ago on his Deere 6-row cultivator.
  The cylinder extends from the top link on the 3-pt. to a length of 1 1/2-in. sq. steel tubing that's mounted across the back of the cultivator above the rolling shields. Chains run from the bar down to the shields. The bar pivots up and down on a pair of angle iron brackets bolted to the cultivator frame. A length of steel cable that's anchored on the cultivator frame runs through a pulley on the end of the cylinder down to the steel bar. Extending the cylinder raises the shields and retracting the cylinder lowers them.
  "It's pretty handy because corn or soybeans often vary in height," says Aeschliman. "When I come to an area with small plants I lower the shields on-the-go, then as the plants get bigger I raise the shields without ever stopping. In the past I had to slow down or get off the tractor and adjust the height of each shield.
  "I reinforced the steel bar with a length of 1/2-in. dia. steel rod to keep it from bending."
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Jerry Aeschliman, 3394-16 Wauseon, Ohio 43562 (ph 419 337-8393).

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #2