Blade Aid Land Leveler
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Our new 'Blade Aid' land leveler is a 14-ft. long, 2-wheel steel carriage designed to carry any 3-pt. blade. A pair of hydraulic cylinders control the blade's tilt angle and depth, giving you much more precise control than when mounted directly to a tractor. Conventional 3-pt. blades work good on perfectly flat terrain. However, if the tractor's rear wheel drops into even a small hole it causes the blade to dig too deep. Also, the blade edge can gouge out the surface on turns and when the tractor is going up an incline.
The carriage does a beautiful job even on a small utility tractor. It comes with double valve hydraulic levers in front that allow you to use both cylinders even with a tractor that has only a single hydraulic outlet. You can use any 3-pt. blade up to 8 ft. long. We can also sell the carriage complete with blade. Up to 500 tbs. of weight can be mounted on a shelf on back. Sells for $1,210 without blade. (Schweiss, Inc., Box 557, Sher-bum, Minn. 56171 ph 507 764-2251)

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Blade Aid Land Leveler TILLAGE EUIPMENT Miscellaneous 17-5-37 Our new 'Blade Aid' land leveler is a 14-ft. long, 2-wheel steel carriage designed to carry any 3-pt. blade. A pair of hydraulic cylinders control the blade's tilt angle and depth, giving you much more precise control than when mounted directly to a tractor. Conventional 3-pt. blades work good on perfectly flat terrain. However, if the tractor's rear wheel drops into even a small hole it causes the blade to dig too deep. Also, the blade edge can gouge out the surface on turns and when the tractor is going up an incline.
The carriage does a beautiful job even on a small utility tractor. It comes with double valve hydraulic levers in front that allow you to use both cylinders even with a tractor that has only a single hydraulic outlet. You can use any 3-pt. blade up to 8 ft. long. We can also sell the carriage complete with blade. Up to 500 tbs. of weight can be mounted on a shelf on back. Sells for $1,210 without blade. (Schweiss, Inc., Box 557, Sher-bum, Minn. 56171 ph 507 764-2251)
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