1988 - Volume #12, Issue #6, Page #25
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Centrifugal Grain Cleaner
"This first-of-its kind design combines centrifugal force with gravity for higher capacity and lower cost," says Triangle Industries, Cooperstown, N. Dak., of its new Kwik Klean grain cleaner.It's made up of five 6 in. dia. perforated screen cylinders each 6 ft. long and placed side by side. Each cylinder has a 5 in. dia. auger inside. "Gravity and centrifugal force combine to clean grain around the entire circumference of each cylinder," explains Bob Norwood, sales manager. "We've designed it so farmers can empty trucks directly into its low profile, collapsable, spring-loaded input hopper at harvest time. It requires only 8 in. of clearance when dumping and reduces dockage down to 1 or 2% at the rate of up to 2,400 bu./hr."
Grain evenly distributes into each of the five cylinders as it moves out of the 4 ft. wide hopper. Pulling one pin allows you to remove the hitch and back the cleaner up to bins for cleaning stored grain.
Sells for $3,950 and is available with a standard electric 5 hp 220V motor, or optional hydraulic drive. 'Four screen sizes available for corn, soybeans, small grains and sunflowers.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Triangle Industries, c/o Norwood Sales, PO Box 417, Cooperstown, N. Dak. 58425 (ph 701797-3684).

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