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Compact Food Dehydrator
"Dehydrating food is the fastest growing food trend in the country," says Sam Classen, Newton, Kan., national distributor of the Harvest Maid food dehydrator, a compact electric unit used for drying fruits, vegetables, nuts, herbs, and spices, and for making beef jerky.
Food to be dried is sliced and spread evenly over trays. A fan inside blows across an electric element in the rear of the unit, forcing warm air across the food, sucking moisture from it as it passes. The air escapes through a gap around the glass door in front. Air can't circulate through the trays, so you can put a variety of fruits and vegetables in the dryer at the same time without having mixed flavors in the final product. The dehydrator is thermostatically controlled.
"Most products take 8 to 12 hours to dry, depending on outside air conditions and the food being dried. Fruits will be leathery and chewy, while many vegetables become hard and brittle. All dried foods can be restored to their original condition by soaking in water," explains Classen.
Complete instructions and recipes come with the dehydrator, as well as approximate drying times for various foods. Comes in two sizes. The smaller, 16 by 16 by 24 in. unit, retails for $129, and the larger unit for $169.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Sam Classen, Rte. 5, Box 20, Newton, Kan., 67114 (ph. 316 283-4707).

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1979 - Volume #3, Issue #5