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Deck-Building Franchise Catches On
A successful Canadian deck-building franchise is expanding into the U.S. Hickory Dickory Decks CEO and founder Tom Jacques says he has had a lot of interest from farmers looking for a sideline business.
  "Many of our customers are also farmers because they generally want to build things that last," Jacques says, noting that his company is a world leader in building low-maintenance decks. About 90 percent of its business is franchise owners installing decks made of composite materials.
  "There are lots of farmers looking for sideline businesses. They have done carpentry work all their life and enjoy working with their hands and operating equipment and tools," says Jacques, who is a part time farmer himself.
  New franchisees take an intensive four-week training course. You must have carpentry skills or bring along a worker who does. Besides three weeks of hands-on building, the session includes learning how to sell, hire employees, do accounting, and everything else involved in running a business.
  "We help you with every aspect and then support you through franchise managers and the internet," Jacques says. "If I had to name one reason to join our team at Hickory Dickory Decks, it would be our websites." Sites include thousands of deck plans and more than 10,000 deck photos to conveniently and quickly generate leads and help clients select what they want.
  The company has 50 franchises in Ontario, and recently expanded to Bangor, Maine, and Rochester, N.Y. "We're legal to sell franchises in 36 states, but are actively looking for people throughout North America and will do the necessary registration wherever there's interest."
  He invites people looking for deck ideas or who are interested in the franchise to check out his business's website. Cost of a franchise is $50,000, or less for those who supply their own tools.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Hickory Dickory Decks, 115 Dundas St. W. Hwy. 5, Clappison Corners, Flamborough, Ontario, Canada L9H 7L6 (ph 905 689-4774 or 800-263-4774; www.hickorydickorydecks.com or www.decks.ca).

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2009 - Volume #33, Issue #5