Harrow Adjuster Kit
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We're marketing a new harrow adjuster kit for Deere 724 mulch finishers with 5-bar coil tine harrow. The kit bolts to each lift arm and hinges on steel bushings. It allows you to adjust the angle of tines to any one of 12 different settings by just pulling a pin on each lift arm and inserting it into a different hole. This eliminates plugging and bunching of trash. Each kit includes arm adjusters and all hardware needed for 7 lift arms and assembly instructions. The kit sells for $678 plus shipping (UPS). (Triple S Engineering, Inc., Rt. 2, Box 200A, Griswold, Iowa 51535 (ph 712 778-4245)

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Harrow Adjuster Kit TILLAGE EUIPMENT Accessories 15-3-34 We're marketing a new harrow adjuster kit for Deere 724 mulch finishers with 5-bar coil tine harrow. The kit bolts to each lift arm and hinges on steel bushings. It allows you to adjust the angle of tines to any one of 12 different settings by just pulling a pin on each lift arm and inserting it into a different hole. This eliminates plugging and bunching of trash. Each kit includes arm adjusters and all hardware needed for 7 lift arms and assembly instructions. The kit sells for $678 plus shipping (UPS). (Triple S Engineering, Inc., Rt. 2, Box 200A, Griswold, Iowa 51535 (ph 712 778-4245)
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