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He Makes Purses Out Of Old Boots
Bootmaker Kyle Rosfeld became a purse maker to solve a problem for his wife. She was tired of pulling up her pants legs to show people the fancy boot tops Rosfeld made. So, he made a purse with the same pattern.
  "She got a purse out of it, and I got a new sideline business," says the Valentine, Neb., entrepreneur. He now recycles old boot tops into purses, customizing them to fit the needs of customers. All the purses include one thing - a 3 1/2-in. leather sole at the bottom.
  "I warranty the sole," Rosfeld laughs. "I will replace it for free." The sole is a strip that runs the lengths of the purse.
  Typically, the purses have one pocket and key hook on the inside. They can be closed with zippers or snap catches. He uses leather or belt blanks for the straps.
  Purses can be up to 16 in. tall.
  "Sometimes people are tired of their boots or they don't fit any more," Rosfeld says. "Or they find a neat pair of boots at a garage sale." One woman brought in her deceased husband's boots to make a keepsake purse.
  When customers provide old boots, the purses cost $300. Prices are higher and vary for purses made from his own material.
  Rosfeld makes the purses on the same old sewing machines he uses to make boots.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Kyle Rosfeld, The Sandhills Boot Company, 225 N. Cherry St., Valentine, Neb. 69201 (ph 402 376-5960; kyle@sandhillsboots.com; www.sandhillsboots.com).

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2009 - Volume #33, Issue #2