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Truck Transmission Used To Start Dead Tractors
Larry Randall collects old tractors. They often won't start after sitting unused for long periods of time.
    He didn't want to tow the tractors to start them because that requires another person, and it can be hard on the tractor's starter and ring gear.
    To solve the problem, he uses a 4-speed truck transmission to start the dead tractor through their pto shafts. He welded the GM pickup transmission to a 3-pt. hitch frame off an old implement, then mounted the frame on the 3-pt. hitch on his 1952 Ford N tractor. The input shaft on front of the transmission was too long so he cut it down and then welded a U-joint onto it. He also mounted a big yoke on the output shaft on the back side of the transmission to support a 3-ft. long telescoping driveshaft. The driveshaft hooks up to the dead tractor's pto.
    He simply puts the truck transmission in reverse and engages the dead tractor's pto, which then turns the engine over to start.
    The transmission's output turns in the right direction to crank the dead tractor through its pto shaft. "If I hooked up a driveshaft directly between two tractors, it would turn in the wrong direction and ruin the engine," notes Randall.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Larry Randall, 26104 V Dr. North, Springport, Mich. 49284 (ph 517 857-2387; lrand@ voyager.net).

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2009 - Volume #33, Issue #1