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"Squirt-On" Mouse Trap Bait
Baiting a mouse trap can be as easy as squeezing a plastic bottle, says Philip Owen, New Providence, Penn. He recently developed a new mouse trap bait that consists of liquified peanut butter in a 6-oz. plastic squirt bottle.
  "Just snap off the cap and squirt the peanut butter onto the trap's trigger. One little squirt is all it takes. When you're done, just snap the cap back on and store it in your refrigerator. There's nothing to clean up afterward," says Owen. "A lot of people don't like having to contaminate a knife or spoon by using it to smear the peanut butter onto the trigger."
  To make the product, Owen mixes peanut butter with vegetable oil until it's the right consistency to squirt out of a bottle.
  Another advantage to liquefied peanut butter, says Owen, is that the trigger can be set lighter so it's more likely to snap. "If the trap is set too tight, mice can eat a chunk of peanut butter without setting it off."
  Owen also sells liquified cheese bait, which he makes by mixing vegetable oil with Cheese Whiz. Normally, it's harder to get cheese to stay on a trap's trigger than peanut butter. Liquified cheese works much better, says Owen.
  A 6-oz. bottle of either peanut butter or cheese bait sells for $1.99 plus S&H.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Owen-Gibson, Eight Kimberley Ave., New Providence, Penn. 17560 (ph 717 786-1829; geneandphilowen@netzero.net).

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2009 - Volume #33, Issue #1