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Easy Way To Triple Up Riding Mowers
Faced with the chore of mowing a 3-acre lawn, Harlie Stark, Darfur, Minn., hooked three Snapper riding mowers together.
Stark rides on a 12 1/2 hp model equipped with a 41-in. deck and pulls two 8 hp models with 30-in. decks. An angle iron hitch bar bolts on back of the front two mowers, with a bolt welded onto the left side of the hitch bar. A length of flat iron, equipped with a chain and ring, welds to the right hand spindle on the back two mowers. To hook up the mowers, Stark simply slips the ring over the bolt.
"It works much better than using a big single mower because the three mowers are much more flexible and do a better job of following the ground contour. I can mow ditch banks right from the shoulder of the road," says Stark. "I start the back mowers first and put the blades in gear, then I start the front mower. I unhook the mowers by simply lifting the ring off the bolt.
"I've been pulling two or three mowers together this way for the past 8 years. The width of cut is about 68 in. with two mowers and 95 in. with three mowers, allowing for a 3-in. overlap between mowers. Using three mowers I've mowed my lawn in only 2 1/2 hours. It took my dad all day to mow it with a single 30-in. mower.
"The only modification I make to the back mowers is to remove a friction drive wheel from the drive box in order to keep the transmission from accidentally popping into gear."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Harlie D. Stark, Box 197, Darfur, Minn. 56022 (ph 507 877-5543).

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #5