Speedex Model 17 Garden Tractor Equipped With Front-Mounted Snow Blade
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This photo shows a Speedex model 17 garden tractor equipped with a front-mounted snow blade, which I recently restored. I installed a new 10 hp electric start motor and added new tires and paint. The tractor has a 2-speed transmission, with one forward gear and one reverse. The engine slides forward to tighten the belt, and is pulled back to put on the brakes by using a foot pedal.
I didn't like the stock hood so I replaced it with the hood off a David Bradley 2-wheel walking plow. The hood had to be widened in order to make room for the motor. A new battery box and dash were also made. I plan on taking this tractor to shows. (Scott Werling, 302 W. 400 N., Decatur, Ind. 46733)

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Speedex Model 17 Garden Tractor Equipped With Front-Mounted Snow Blade TRACTORS Modifications 32-6-41 This photo shows a Speedex model 17 garden tractor equipped with a front-mounted snow blade, which I recently restored. I installed a new 10 hp electric start motor and added new tires and paint. The tractor has a 2-speed transmission, with one forward gear and one reverse. The engine slides forward to tighten the belt, and is pulled back to put on the brakes by using a foot pedal.
I didn't like the stock hood so I replaced it with the hood off a David Bradley 2-wheel walking plow. The hood had to be widened in order to make room for the motor. A new battery box and dash were also made. I plan on taking this tractor to shows. (Scott Werling, 302 W. 400 N., Decatur, Ind. 46733)
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