Tandem Axle, All Terrain Trailer For ATV's
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"Our new tandem axle, all terrain trailer for ATV's has a lot of capacity and rides on walking tandem axles, allowing it to clear just about any obstacle without hanging up. It also rides close to the ground so it's far less likely to tip over," says Tim Mumm, Mountain Goat Trailers, Chester, Neb.
The heavy duty trailer measures 6 ft. long by 3 ft. 8 in. wide. It has a 1,000-lb. load capacity, with fully independent walking tandem axles on both sides of the trailer. The trailer has a low center of gravity, made possible by a height-adjustable gooseneck tongue that attaches high on front of the trailer and is adjustable to the ATV hitch.
"It's built tough for farm and ranch work," says Mumm. "The wheels are designed to float up and down over changes in the terrain to the point that they'll actually flop, or walk, one wheel over the other, instead of hanging up on an obstacle that's larger or deeper than the wheel itself. As a result, the trailer always stays nearly level. The bottom of the trailer is only nine inches off the ground, yet because of the tandem axle design the trailer can clear almost any obstacle.
"The trailer follows in the same track as the ATV even when you're turning, so if you have to squeeze between obstacles you don't have to look back to see if the trailer is going to make it through."
Mumm says a boatload of options are available. They include an extension rack that slips into the four corners of the trailer, dump box, calf transporting cage, wire roller, tool rack, 32-ft. wide boomless sprayer, and even a big game retrieval package. It consists of a winch and an end gate that are used to load large game onto the trailer's bed.
"My brother Scott uses the trailer to repair center pivot irrigation systems right in the field. He hauls a gearbox, air compressor, and air tools in the trailer and can change a gearbox or center pivot tire all by himself in just 15 minutes. He shoves an air shock under the center pivot and uses the compressor to pump it up. It eliminates the need for a jack."
The All Terrain Trailer sells for $829 plus S&H. A bigger trailer is also available.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, S & T Mfg., 6294 Hwy. 8, Chester, Neb. 68327 (ph 888 768-6263 or 402 324-5210 or 402 239-1042; info@mountaingoattrailers.com; www.mountaingoattrailers.com).

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Tandem Axle, All Terrain Trailer For ATV's ATV'S ATV'S 32-6-34 "Our new tandem axle, all terrain trailer for ATV's has a lot of capacity and rides on walking tandem axles, allowing it to clear just about any obstacle without hanging up. It also rides close to the ground so it's far less likely to tip over," says Tim Mumm, Mountain Goat Trailers, Chester, Neb.
The heavy duty trailer measures 6 ft. long by 3 ft. 8 in. wide. It has a 1,000-lb. load capacity, with fully independent walking tandem axles on both sides of the trailer. The trailer has a low center of gravity, made possible by a height-adjustable gooseneck tongue that attaches high on front of the trailer and is adjustable to the ATV hitch.
"It's built tough for farm and ranch work," says Mumm. "The wheels are designed to float up and down over changes in the terrain to the point that they'll actually flop, or walk, one wheel over the other, instead of hanging up on an obstacle that's larger or deeper than the wheel itself. As a result, the trailer always stays nearly level. The bottom of the trailer is only nine inches off the ground, yet because of the tandem axle design the trailer can clear almost any obstacle.
"The trailer follows in the same track as the ATV even when you're turning, so if you have to squeeze between obstacles you don't have to look back to see if the trailer is going to make it through."
Mumm says a boatload of options are available. They include an extension rack that slips into the four corners of the trailer, dump box, calf transporting cage, wire roller, tool rack, 32-ft. wide boomless sprayer, and even a big game retrieval package. It consists of a winch and an end gate that are used to load large game onto the trailer's bed.
"My brother Scott uses the trailer to repair center pivot irrigation systems right in the field. He hauls a gearbox, air compressor, and air tools in the trailer and can change a gearbox or center pivot tire all by himself in just 15 minutes. He shoves an air shock under the center pivot and uses the compressor to pump it up. It eliminates the need for a jack."
The All Terrain Trailer sells for $829 plus S&H. A bigger trailer is also available.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, S & T Mfg., 6294 Hwy. 8, Chester, Neb. 68327 (ph 888 768-6263 or 402 324-5210 or 402 239-1042; info@mountaingoattrailers.com; www.mountaingoattrailers.com).
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