Homemade Owl House Protects Orchard
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"I built this Barn Owl nesting house to diminish the gopher population that was destroying the tree watering system in my orchard," says Maurice Leighton of Placerville, Calif. "It works wonderfully. I've had two and possibly three hatchings of young owls in it, and I haven't had any more breaks in my water lines."
He explains that gophers had been chewing through polyurethane water lines that serve his 500-tree orchard.
Only a few months after he built and installed the nest box, he says owls moved in.
Leighton got the idea for the owl nest box after reading an article, which led him to the University of California, Davis, where blueprints are made available to the public.
You can order plans from: University of California, Davis, ID# 4225, California Raptor Center, School of Veterinary Medicine, #1 Shields Ave., Davis, Calif. 95616 (ph 530 752-6091).
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Maurice R. Leighton, 6560 Lindberg Ave., Placerville, Calif. 95667 (ph 530 626-0965).

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Homemade Owl House Protects Orchard MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT Miscellaneous 32-6-32 "I built this Barn Owl nesting house to diminish the gopher population that was destroying the tree watering system in my orchard," says Maurice Leighton of Placerville, Calif. "It works wonderfully. I've had two and possibly three hatchings of young owls in it, and I haven't had any more breaks in my water lines."
He explains that gophers had been chewing through polyurethane water lines that serve his 500-tree orchard.
Only a few months after he built and installed the nest box, he says owls moved in.
Leighton got the idea for the owl nest box after reading an article, which led him to the University of California, Davis, where blueprints are made available to the public.
You can order plans from: University of California, Davis, ID# 4225, California Raptor Center, School of Veterinary Medicine, #1 Shields Ave., Davis, Calif. 95616 (ph 530 752-6091).
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Maurice R. Leighton, 6560 Lindberg Ave., Placerville, Calif. 95667 (ph 530 626-0965).
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