2008 - Volume #32, Issue #6, Page #26
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Rear Controls Added To Deere 4230
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"A cab tractor is a bit unhandy for chore work, such as grinding feed and filling feeders," notes Dittmer. "The rear controls really help out."
Dittmer welded a 5-in. strap iron arm to the pto clutch inside the cab. He then mounted a lever on the lower left rear of the cab. A 3/8-in. rod connects the two.
"For the throttle, I bolted a second 5-in. strap iron to the speed control arm at the rear of the right battery box," says Dittmer. "A 3/8-in. rod runs from it to a second lever attached to the right rear of the cab."
With the existing rear controls for remote hydraulics and 3-pt. hitch, he now has control of all major functions other than movement from the rear end.
One other change he made was to weld a U-shaped clip between the two hydraulic cylinder hooks mounted on back of the cab. The clip holds the center link in stored position.
"I just used some strap iron; it doesn't have to be spring steel," he says. "It works much better than the factory-installed transport hook."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Willard Dittmer, 30650 360th St., Shelby, Iowa 51570 (ph 712 483-2580).

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