No-Till Drill For Small Food Plots, Native Grasses
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"It can handle a large variety of seeds and gives you better habitat, with more cover and less weed competition, than anything else on the market," says Dewey Stouffer about his company's new no-till seeder for small food plots and native grass seeding. It's designed to be pulled by an ATV or small tractor.
The Dew Drop Drill is a native grass drill equipped with twin seed boxes. It's designed to handle a variety of seeds including warm and cool season grasses, small and large grains, wild flowers, forbs, legumes, and many commercially available food plot mixtures. Seeding width is 3 ft.
The small seed box holds .75 bu., and the larger "fluffy seed" box holds 3 bu. There are five different settings for fluffy seed and nine settings for small seeds.
The ground-driven unit starts with two rows of 9-in. coulters mounted on a steel frame followed by a row of ten 10-in. long harrow tines. A drop chute under the seed boxes directs the seeds down to drop right behind the tines, which mixes the seed and soil together and results in a "no-rows" pattern.
The drill's coulters and harrow tines are raised and lowered by an electric motor, while an electric clutch engages and disengages the seed boxes. Both the seed boxes and disk settings can be remotely controlled from the ATV seat, allowing you to control tillage depth and seed placement.
The drill requires a minimum 350 cc ATV and can cover one acre per hour at 3 mph.
"Farmers who see it for the first time often shake their heads and smile, because it reminds them of a piece of old machinery that's easy to understand," says Stouffer. "The harrow tines mix dirt and seed together in a random pattern that results in better plantings and less weed competition. This machine has no drop tubes, so the crop comes up looking like turf grass. Most drills plant on 7 or 10 in. centers, with space between the rows where weeds can grow and where foxes or coyotes can chase down pheasants and quail, etc. Our drill leaves no such æpredator rows'."
Sells for $6,500.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Little Sioux Prairie Co., 2150 280th St., Spencer, Iowa 51301 (ph 712 264-1186;;

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No-Till Drill For Small Food Plots, Native Grasses DRILLS Drills (42C) 32-6-20 "It can handle a large variety of seeds and gives you better habitat, with more cover and less weed competition, than anything else on the market," says Dewey Stouffer about his company's new no-till seeder for small food plots and native grass seeding. It's designed to be pulled by an ATV or small tractor.
The Dew Drop Drill is a native grass drill equipped with twin seed boxes. It's designed to handle a variety of seeds including warm and cool season grasses, small and large grains, wild flowers, forbs, legumes, and many commercially available food plot mixtures. Seeding width is 3 ft.
The small seed box holds .75 bu., and the larger "fluffy seed" box holds 3 bu. There are five different settings for fluffy seed and nine settings for small seeds.
The ground-driven unit starts with two rows of 9-in. coulters mounted on a steel frame followed by a row of ten 10-in. long harrow tines. A drop chute under the seed boxes directs the seeds down to drop right behind the tines, which mixes the seed and soil together and results in a "no-rows" pattern.
The drill's coulters and harrow tines are raised and lowered by an electric motor, while an electric clutch engages and disengages the seed boxes. Both the seed boxes and disk settings can be remotely controlled from the ATV seat, allowing you to control tillage depth and seed placement.
The drill requires a minimum 350 cc ATV and can cover one acre per hour at 3 mph.
"Farmers who see it for the first time often shake their heads and smile, because it reminds them of a piece of old machinery that's easy to understand," says Stouffer. "The harrow tines mix dirt and seed together in a random pattern that results in better plantings and less weed competition. This machine has no drop tubes, so the crop comes up looking like turf grass. Most drills plant on 7 or 10 in. centers, with space between the rows where weeds can grow and where foxes or coyotes can chase down pheasants and quail, etc. Our drill leaves no such æpredator rows'."
Sells for $6,500.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Little Sioux Prairie Co., 2150 280th St., Spencer, Iowa 51301 (ph 712 264-1186;;
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