2008 - Volume #32, Issue #6, Page #16
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How To Catch A Gopher Every Time
John Dolinsky, El Cajon, Calif., had a gopher problem but didn't want to use poison. So after watching an owl catch a gopher one night, he came up with an idea that makes use of old-fashioned metal gopher traps - and grass."It works unbelievably well and will catch a gopher every time. Many times I've caught gophers in 10 minutes or less using this method," says Dolinsky.
He sets the trap in the tunnel and attaches a string to it and also a big stick so the gopher can't carry the trap down the tunnel. Then after placing the trap inside, he picks a big handful of fresh grass and stuffs it inside the tunnel.
"I observed that gophers come out of their tunnels at night to eat grass, and that's when owls come down to grab them," says Dolinsky. "I'm just giving them the same food, but they have to walk over the trap to get to it.
"Gophers don't like light, so I also cover the tunnel to make it dark again by placing a lid over the tunnel and covering it with dirt. That way the gopher won't try to block the light by pushing dirt onto the trap," says Dolinsky.
"The gophers smell the fresh grass and know it's inside their tunnel. But they've got to cross a land mine to get at the food. Often, I don't have to wait more than 10 minutes after setting the trap before I'll catch a gopher. I can put out six or seven traps, wait a couple of minutes, and then start pulling them back out. It's almost like catching fish, and I have my limit in just 10 minutes."
He puts the dead gophers back down in the same tunnel so other gophers won't use it again. "They'll smell the dead gopher and go somewhere else, because they know something happened to the previous one," notes Dolinsky.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, John Dolinsky, 1919 Harbison Canyon Road, El Cajon, Calif. 92019 (ph 619 659-8608).

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