"Super Single Wheel" Ourperforms Duallys
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"Our new Super Single replacement wheels are designed to replace the dually wheels on 1 1/2 and 2-ton pickups. They let you replace your duallys with a single tire that has a much wider footprint, which results in much better flotation so you're not as likely to get stuck in wet fields," says Jeff Cook, 1st Attack Engineering, Inc., Auburn, Ind.
The 11 by 20-in. steel wheels are direct bolt-on replacements for original 19.5 dually wheel rims. The wheels can accept tires up to 16 in. wide and 20 in. in diameter. They're designed to replace the original wheels on Ford F-450 and F-550 pickups, the Dodge 4500 and 5500, and the Dodge Sterling Bullet. "We're also working on wheels for 1-ton pickups, including Ford, Chevrolet, and Dodge models," says Cook.
Cook makes off-road emergency vehicles and fire-fighting equipment as well as other specialty equipment. "Farmers were coming to us because their dually pickups were getting stuck in the field," says Cook. "They wanted to replace their duallys with single, fatter flotation tires. Dual wheels don't have great flotation ability. They're designed primarily to carry heavy loads down the road, but in the field they just don't provide a lot of traction.
"Unfortunately, no one made an off-road wheel rim for the larger tires so we decided to build one. Most of the tires that go on our rims are 16 in. wide."
In some cases, the pickup's front fender corners may need to be trimmed to provide more turning clearance, adds Cook.
Super Single wheels sell for about $300 apiece. Tires start at about $200 apiece. Cook says his company sells tires to fit the wheels, or you can buy them elsewhere. "There are many different tire options for these wheels," he says.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, 1st Attack Engineering, Inc., 5815 CR 35, Auburn, Ind. 46706 (ph 260 925-1951; www.grasstruck.com).

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"Super Single Wheel" Ourperforms Duallys PICKUPS Miscellaneous 32-6-3 "Our new Super Single replacement wheels are designed to replace the dually wheels on 1 1/2 and 2-ton pickups. They let you replace your duallys with a single tire that has a much wider footprint, which results in much better flotation so you're not as likely to get stuck in wet fields," says Jeff Cook, 1st Attack Engineering, Inc., Auburn, Ind.
The 11 by 20-in. steel wheels are direct bolt-on replacements for original 19.5 dually wheel rims. The wheels can accept tires up to 16 in. wide and 20 in. in diameter. They're designed to replace the original wheels on Ford F-450 and F-550 pickups, the Dodge 4500 and 5500, and the Dodge Sterling Bullet. "We're also working on wheels for 1-ton pickups, including Ford, Chevrolet, and Dodge models," says Cook.
Cook makes off-road emergency vehicles and fire-fighting equipment as well as other specialty equipment. "Farmers were coming to us because their dually pickups were getting stuck in the field," says Cook. "They wanted to replace their duallys with single, fatter flotation tires. Dual wheels don't have great flotation ability. They're designed primarily to carry heavy loads down the road, but in the field they just don't provide a lot of traction.
"Unfortunately, no one made an off-road wheel rim for the larger tires so we decided to build one. Most of the tires that go on our rims are 16 in. wide."
In some cases, the pickup's front fender corners may need to be trimmed to provide more turning clearance, adds Cook.
Super Single wheels sell for about $300 apiece. Tires start at about $200 apiece. Cook says his company sells tires to fit the wheels, or you can buy them elsewhere. "There are many different tire options for these wheels," he says.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, 1st Attack Engineering, Inc., 5815 CR 35, Auburn, Ind. 46706 (ph 260 925-1951; www.grasstruck.com).
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